
User Guide


You can view your data in many different ways using commands in the Command Palette.


Converting your node(s) to document view centers them in the panel, styles the nodes like paragraphs, and supports basic Markdown formatting.

Note: document view is a one-way conversion. Document nodes can't be converted back to List (outline) view.

Create a Document

With your cursor on the parent node of the node(s) you want to convert to a document, open the Command Palette and select Make Document.

Markdown formatting

Text styles
*italic* or _italic_
- unordered lists
* with any of
+ these characters

1. ordered
2. lists


Useful for a set of nodes with common fields. Node fields will become columns.

Use Table View

With your cursor on the parent node of the nodes you want to convert to a document, open the Command Palette and select View As Table.

To revert back to List (outline) view, select the parent node and choose "View as List" from the Command Palette.


The tab view tidies up a common group of nodes, allowing you to view one tab at a time.

Use Tabs View

With your cursor on the parent node of the nodes you want to convert to a document, open the Command Palette and select View As Tabs.

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