User Guide
Templates allow you to add a set of predefined fields and other child nodes to a node simply by adding a tag to that node.
Create and use a template
In this example, we'll create a template called "book" with child fields Author and Release Date.
- Wherever you want to store your template, type "book" in the node.
- Add child fields Author and Release Date, and leave the value fields empty. (To turn a regular node into a Field: Command Palette > Create field)
- With your cursor in the parent "book" node, open the Command Palette (Command/Control+K) and choose Make Template.
- Create a list of books wherever you'd like, if you haven't already. With your cursor on one if the individual books, type "#book" and hit ENTER to create the tag.
- Check out one of your book nodes—it should have the child fields Author and Release Date that you set up in your template.